Reiki: simple is good

September 18, 2014

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”    – Albert Einstein 

Reiki: simple is good

Reiki is a natural healing modality that relies on the healing intention of the practitioner for its effectiveness. It is a simple process that can be of great benefit to the individual’s overall health and wellness.

It does not require a lot of knowledge or practice to become adept at the process. In fact, it is an instinctual part of our being.

What’s the first reaction to stubbing a toe, bumping the head, or banging an elbow? We grab the inflicted area, hold it, and focus healing to the spot. Often the comment “I’ll be alright in a minute” becomes part of the healing intention.

What do we do when a child gets hurt? We place our hands on the hurt and ensure the child that “we are going to make it better”.

Other animals respond in a similar fashion. They bring a focus and intention of healing to the damaged area.

Reiki simply helps to facilitate what our system is doing naturally. It is beautifully simple yet amazingly effective.

Something that is simple to do, sadly, is also simple not to do. To achieve these benefits we need to actually practice as much as possible. There is no need to wait for an injury or illness. Self healing with Reiki should be an important part of our daily routine.

Do not let the simplicity of Reiki scare you away. Unfortunately our cultural experience has taught us many mistaken ideas. It is often suggested that something that is simple is somehow of lesser value. That is not the case with natural law. Most of the superb processes of nature are perpetual, automatic, and requiring little effort.

We are completely connected to this natural order. Using Reiki to aid our personal healing and helping others with their healing is simply a wonderful benefit of our creative self.

Richard Fiallo

Healing Today has provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students since 1999. Reiki workshops are offered on a regular basis in several U.S. cities.

Reiki Healing Affirmations

August 10, 2014

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We are always healing and our energy responds to intention. Reiki is effective because of those two simple facts of natural order.

When practicing Reiki we focus our intention to healing and this helps to facilitate the natural process.

#Reiki intention: I am always in a natural state of healing and this infinitely wise energy will always provide for my highest good.

#Reiki intention; life enhancing healing energy is always flowing into my life. I use it for my good and the good of others and I am grateful for this good.

#Reiki intention: This life force energy responds to my focus and will radiate good health and wellness to every cell in my body.

#Reiki intention: This energy of infinite wisdom will always provide for my whole self as I enter into a comfortable state of being.

#Reiki intention: I am one with magnificent perfection and infinite wisdom and I enjoy the process of healing.

More Reiki Healing Affirmations


Reiki is a natural healing modality that is easy to learn. For Info on affordable Reiki classes for all levels including Reiki Master please visit Healing Today 


Clases de Reiki en Espanol

July 31, 2013

ImageHealing Today ofrece cursos y certificación para practicantes y maestros de Reiki. Los maestros de Healing Today han ofrecido cursos de Reiki desde 1999 y se han sintonizado o “attuned” más de 2000 estudiantes en Florida, Georgia, Texas, Illinios, y otros estados.


Para más informacion por favor visite nuestra pagina web:


Clases de Reiki en Tampa Bay


Clases de Reiki en Orlando


Cursos de Reiki en español en Atlanta


Clases de Reiki en Washington DC en Espanol


Clases de Reiki en Dallas, TX


Clases de Reiki en Chicago


Reiki Cursos de Estudio en Casa

Para más informacion por favor visite nuestra pagina web:



Reiki popularity soaring and more teachers are needed.

July 31, 2013

ImageOver the past two decades, Reiki has gained much wider acceptance in the medical establishment. Hospitals are realizing the effectiveness of the treatments and also the increased patient satisfaction. Many hospitals now include Reiki in their patient services, provided by their own physicians, nurses, therapists, and other staff.


An abundance of Reiki Master/teachers are needed as more people become interested in natural healing modalities.

Healing Today has provided practical and affordable Reiki training since 1999 all over the USA. Our low prices and experience has helped make Reiki available to many people from all walks of life.


Chicago Reiki;


Atlanta Reiki workshops;


Tampa Bay area;

Nashville Reiki seminars;

Charlotte Reiki classes;


St. Louis Reiki Classes;

Dallas Reiki training;


Savannah, GA Reiki teachers;


Reiki Home Study Courses are also available. Please see website.

Ocean of Consciousness

July 3, 2009

Ocean of Consciousness The whole of our physical self is an object upon which our consciousness operates. The body is a dense concentration of energy manifested by our spirit in connection with the Universe. The senses, intellect and physical form of the body can exist only in attunement with our spirit.

At the core of every cell in the body is energy of infinite potential. This same life force energy is present in all matter. As a drop of water contains the same properties as the ocean a drop of consciousness is one with the vast seas of universal consciousness.

 The chakra balance session is a good example of this attunement of body and the consciousness of spirit. The energy of the center’s physical self flows into a timeless pool where it becomes indistinguishable from the energy of the other participants in the rite. This energy pool swells until it overflows into an ocean of infinite consciousness. The intention of the rite is then absorbed into the endless wisdom of the Universe. A divine unity that will always work to benefit our higher self.

Our Energy Connection

July 3, 2009

Much of the way we think about ourselves is gained through distorted information we accumulate from our culture and our mundane lives. Sadly, these misconceptions regarding our essential nature have caused many to develop poor habits that deny them an opportunity to experience true spiritual awakening.

To better understand self, one must become familiar with the multiple dimensions of our being and the intelligent energy that works through these dimensions of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical self. This understanding will lead to embodiment, realizing the divine self within and then manifesting it in our physical form. The enlightened self is able to make use of this power for healing, personal growth, and experiencing a better connection with the creative source.

This path of self discovery begins with accepting and engaging the multi dimensional self and the energy that moves through it. The physical body is made of the same matrix of energy that surrounds and composes all matter. We are part of a quantum field that is present everywhere with the potential to manifest as a material substance or the energy around it. All physical matter is simply a more dense concentration of this energy field. Because all matter including ourselves is connected, we are able to affect and be affected by one another and the whole of the universe.

The individual consciousness is able to engage the essential energy of all creation for a wealth of personal power. This empowerment allows us to create the life that we desire and the ability to share unconditional love with the all of existence.

Take back your power.